Open-Source: Darknet on OpenCL Source.
Publication: Darknet on OpenCL: A Multi-platform Tool for Object Detection and Classification.
Keywords: Darknet, OpenCL, OpenCV, Yolo1, Yolo2, Yolo3, Yolo4, Yolo5, AMD, ARM, Nvidia, Intel, Mali, CPU, GPU.
The goal for this project was to port the CUDA solution into OpenCL 1.2+ resolution to use it on: MacBook Pro 13 2016 with TouchBar with the latest macOS High Sierra 10.13.6+ and Sonnet eGFX Breakaway RX 570 Puck as eGPU or without it. We succeeded with this project and described it on our blog at Darknet on OpenCL Training. It works on macOS and supports Iris, AMD GPUs, and GNU/Linux. Any OpenCL 1.2 GPU works, including Intel and AMD GPUs. It also works on, for example, Asus Tinker Board S. I tested it on this single-board device with the same form factor as Raspberry Pi 3+. There are a few improvements as well. First is the permutations random for training, second is the auto-scaling of used threads on GPU computing, and the last thing to remember is possible Multi-GPU support, patched by us in the clBLAS library on macOS and GNU/Linux that, in fact, only supported now Operating Systems. There were many solved issues since training recorded video time, but it is still up to date. The one last thing is ongoing work for Windows 10 support.
See also ours: Darknet on CUDA vNext.
Open-Source: Multi Service Bus Core 2.0 Source.
Publication: Multi Service Bus Core 2.0.
Sous: .
Keywords: Sync, Async, .NET Core, .NET, Queue, API, Pèfòmans, Simple, Multi-OS.
The Multi-Service Bus Core 2.0 is for .NET 4.6.1 and .NET Core 2.0 secure, fast and easy communication library. Software engineers can use it in many industries to build IoT platforms, Telecommunication solutions, or replace REST API. The purpose of this library is to create Agent systems based on only three communication Components. It is an open-source project that took me about seven years to make. There is also one thing if you want to contribute and develop the next version with me, pa ezite kontakte nou.
See also ours: Multi Service Bus Core and NuGet Package of Multi Service Bus Core 2.0.
Open-Source: DbTester.
Publication: DbTester Documentation with Video Training.
Keywords: T-SQL, Optimization, Tests, Pèfòmans, Improvements, Safe-Changes, Minimize Risk.
It is a game-changer tool for anyone who may face risk after T-SQL code optimization. This tool makes risk equal to 0%. Our experience reduces time to improve T-SQL code, and so important to reduce the Blame Game for difficult-to-prove correct or incorrect T-SQL modifications.
Piotr Sowa, Pwopriyetè Plant Dreamer